
Matthew Allyn

I help those who love what they do make brilliant content through thei storytelling, unique perspectives and spirituality.

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Fix your relationship to content - watch results skyrocket

🌱 StoryGrowth by Matt Allyn Become a masterful storyteller and build deep connections with yourself and your audience. 👋 First time reading? CLICK HERE to subscribe! Today I’d like to offer 2 opportunities to change the way you approach content so you can build a content creation ecosystem thats built upon love and trust in yourself. I believe if you do these 2 things, you will find the success you’re looking for much more quickly than relying on trends, gimmicks, someone else, or even...

🌱 StoryGrowth by Matt Allyn Become a masterful storyteller and build deep connections with yourself and your audience. 👋 First time reading? CLICK HERE to subscribe! You object to telling stories because… My story doesn’t matter Nobody cares about that or My story is not big enough. Well… I’ve written about this, but here’s more proof directly from my 3 viral reels that all tell a story and neither of them are about a BIG moment or anything particularly special. I’ll share them and break them...

🌱 StoryGrowth by Matt Allyn Become a masterful storyteller and build deep connections with yourself and your audience. 👋 First time reading? CLICK HERE to subscribe! When you don’t get what you want, you get what you need. I went viral, got 37,000 followers and felt like it was all for the wrong reasons. Sometimes I feel like a marriage counseling going through his 3rd divorce. I teach messaging and branding, but my branding feels all over the place. I am a storytelling, content and branding...

🌱 StoryGrowth by Matt Allyn Become a masterful storyteller and build deep connections with yourself and your audience. 👋 First time reading? CLICK HERE to subscribe! Today I am going to show you how a client of mine, we’ll call him Mike, came to me with a story and how we made it more concise, emotional and effective. Mike helps highly successful businessmen generate more wealth without sacrificing their family. He came to me with a story of his truth. He has a wife and two kids. He works...

🌱 StoryGrowth by Matt Allyn Become a masterful storyteller and build deep connections with yourself and your audience. 👋 First time reading? CLICK HERE to subscribe! Having no clue what I wanted to do with my life, in 2008 I entered college as an undeclared business major. During a late fall day, as I crunched dead leaves beneath my feet, I thought, “How does Marketing 101 and Management 101 feel like the same class? This is so boring.” I swiped my fob into Jasper Hall, turned left down the...

🌱 StoryGrowth by Matt Allyn Become a masterful storyteller and build deep connections with yourself and your audience. 👋 First time reading? CLICK HERE to subscribe! In 5 steps I am going to break down one of my posts which gets comments like these: Posts that get the most comments like these are carousels, which I loooove making. I think carousels are massively undervalued because they don’t typically get the reach that reels or videos do (though they can). I love using carousels to go...

🌱 Matt Allyn's Newsletter Become a masterful storyteller and build deep connections with yourself and your audience. 👋 First time reading? CLICK HERE to subscribe! Here’s a walk through my content creation process and at the end I’ll give you your next best content idea that I am positive will 2x your engagement. If it doesn’t, send it to me and I’ll workshop it with you. First, none of this will make sense without understanding the foundations so we have to break that down. This will be a...

🌱 Matt Allyn's Newsletter Become a masterful storyteller and build deep connections with yourself and your audience. 👋 First time reading? CLICK HERE to subscribe! Today, I’d like to jump right into sharing the 5 types of content every single post you see online can fit into and which ones are the MOST valuable to your audience. By value I mean, what are they going to love, remember, crave more of and share with their friends. And yes, you want to focus on creating MORE of the most valuable...

🌱 Matt Allyn's Newsletter Become a masterful storyteller and build deep connections with yourself and your audience. 👋 First time reading? CLICK HERE to subscribe! I asked y’all whats more difficult... This kinda feels like a chicken or the egg question. 🐔 If you knew what stories to tell and you knew they mattered to your audience, would you be vulnerable to tell them? 🥚 Or, are you so fearful of being vulnerable that you struggle being honest with yourself to uncover the gold in every...

🌱 StoryGrowth by Matt Allyn Become a masterful storyteller and build deep connections with yourself and your audience. 👋 First time reading? CLICK HERE to subscribe! In a few weeks from now, I want to share all about my personal experience with gaining almost 30,000 followers in the last month, but today, I’d like to jump right into a timeline of events and share with you what I believe will help you grow your audience in a way that feels good. I want to once and for all eliminate the need...